Sunday, December 30, 2012

Planning for a purchase

So, seeing as I keep falling for houses I filled out two online forms to be pre-approved for a mortgage. I figured it would be better to know then to keep guessing.
The first seemed pretty strait forward and simple. Which I liked right until after I submitted it. I was given a nice happy message that they would be contacting me for more info. This is not what I wanted and I really would have like to have known before hand. At the very least they could have had the decency to ask me if I could be contacted during work hours. Unless they actually offer me something insanely good I don't for see myself using this company.
The second was a much better experience. They had a better series of questions to answer which included 'living at home' as an option. While they didn't say if they would only contact me via e-mail, they did imply that it would either be e-mail or phone. Which is nice after the earlier shock. So far a better experience right of the bat.
So, now I just have to wait and see. I figure that right now only checking with two companies for pre-approval will answer weather or not I can get a mortgage and if it is worth shopping around. Considering I am a tad bit lazy... I would really prefer to just stick with one group that is polite to me. Customer service is a big thing to me and a good way to keep me as a customer.
Also, just to point out, one house I like is 3,213 sq ft and the other is 864 sq ft. An insane difference in size but I love them both.

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